TwinPlace for Organisations
TwinPlace is designed for public organisations which can apply for European Commission financed twinning projects.
TwinPlace offers the most comprehensive information platform available on the market, with tailored services based on the sectors and countries of interest of
its users.
TwinPlace provides you with an efficient and user-friendly tool that increases your chances of winning twinning projects.
TwinPlace offers variety of services adapted to specific needs and interests of public organisations:
- Use the Twinning Interest Board to find out about open twinning projects.
- Express your interest for a twinning project publicly or anonymously on the Twinning Interest Board and be put in contact with other organisations and experts interested in the same project.
- Post a vacancy notice for find short-term or long-term experts for future or running twinning projects.
- Benefit from a matching facility whereby your organisation is informed of other public bodies interested in the same twinning projects, so as to discuss a possible cooperation.
Project proposals are NOT submitted through TwinPlace. Public organizations or Mandated Bodies have to ALWAYS INFORM THEIR NCP (National Contact Point) to indicate their intention to apply for a project.
Register your profile on TwinPlace
Public organisations and mandated bodies are invited to register their twinning profile on TwinPlace.
Improve your visibility and allow other organisations to contact you for twinning project partnerships.
- Receive direct email alerts about new open twinning projects matching your selected sectors and countries of interest
- Access more than 2200 past twinning projects searchable by a complete set of criteria so as to know who has been implementing which project, where,
when and with whom
- Access a database of more than 2000 public organisations and Mandated Bodies active in twinning with the list of the twinning projects they have
implemented and full contact details, searchable by a number of useful criteria
- Enjoy TwinBoard, a project management tool to manage your pipeline of twinning projects enabling the storage and follow up of projects of interest
- Benefit from a matching facility whereby your organisation is automatically informed of other public bodies interested in the same twinning projects,
so as to discuss a possible cooperation.
- Express your interest for a twinning project publicly or anonymously on the Twinning Interest Board and be put in contact with other organisations and
experts interested in the same project.
Access a database of civil servants and independent consultants experienced or interested in twinning projects. Registered civil servants have expressed interest
to be detached with public organisation to work in the field as resident twinning adviser or experts. Independent consultants have expressed their interest to
assist public administrations in preparing their proposals and winning twinning projects.
Buy a credit of a certain number of CVs to be downloaded whenever you want over the year. Search the whole database, preview the whole CVs
(without contact details) and download the CVs of interest.
For example: you purchase a credit of 10 CVs, search the database and pre-view as many CVs as you want (full CV without contact details). Once you select a
specific expert, you download the CV with the contact details. Thereafter, you can download another 9 CVs.
Contact us for further services